Saturday, March 14, 2020

Role of Green Marketing in Sustainable Development -an Opportunity for Innovation Essays

Role of Green Marketing in Sustainable Development -an Opportunity for Innovation Essays Role of Green Marketing in Sustainable Development -an Opportunity for Innovation Essay Role of Green Marketing in Sustainable Development -an Opportunity for Innovation Essay Role of Green Marketing in Sustainable Development -An Opportunity for Innovation * Mrs.. Kajal Maheshwari Abstract- â€Å"Sustainability is the mother lode of innovations that yield both bottomline and topline returns The most forward-thinking and progressive businesses today are seeing environmental issues as an opportunity to innovate and change how they operate their companies, how they develop new products, and how they relate to stakeholders in the marketplace. Environmentalists, too, are seeing an opportunity to collaborate with business. They are taking a more open-minded view toward the role that business can play in solving big problems. The best way to succeed in making sustainability a source of value is to drive it deep into the organization and broadly across the enterprise is to go Green. What we call smokestack or tailpipe industries - the energy businesses, utilities, oil and gas, transportation, chemicals - they had to tackle these issues because of the significant impact theyve had. But now we see retailers and technology companies and services companies and hospitality and all sorts of new sectors that are embracing sustainability because theyre finding value there. This article briefly give idea about the companies General Electric, General Motors, Chevrolet volt, Pfizer and Novartis, energy companies like BP, HCL etc. investing in Ramp;D amp; innovation in environmental amp; clean tech area. This article covers terms and concepts of green marketing, briefly discuss why going green is important and also examine some of the reason that organizations are adopting a green marketing philosophy. These days, only marketing doesnt seem to be working as well as it has in the past. For sustainability and growth a marketer has to consider innovative environment friendly trends It also focuses some of the opportunities and challenges in green marketing. Therefore, implementing green marketing is pivotal to the sustainable development of industry.